
Audio Graphics Illustration Painting Sculpture Teaching Video Web

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does Aesthetisphere mean?

A: It’s The Aesthetics of a World Culture Fusion. For more information go to

Q: How long does it take to make a website?

A: It depends on what you want. Generally, it takes about 5.25 hours to build a basic static page if you don’t need to do any major image work or content editing. A basic interactive Flash photo gallery takes about 11.5 hours depending on the number of images involved. If you want a nifty CSS design to go along with your WordPress blog, it takes about10-14 hours depending on the number of elements you want to incorporate. The more complex the project, the more time it takes.

Q: What’s the lead time on a small business website?

A: It depends on how many active clients I have at the time. Usually, I like to meet with you first to determine your needs and I can tell you how long it will take to get started and how long to finish. I can usually do a free phone consultation with you within a week of the time you first contact me.
