
Audio Graphics Illustration Painting Sculpture Teaching Video Web

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is AjaiArt located?

A: Denver, Colorado

Q: Can you paint pictures to match office color themes?

A: Absolutely!

Q: How much does a web site cost?

A: It really depends on what you want. There are many things that affect the final cost of your web site. Some of the things include how many pages you want, if you sell products on your website, the graphic work involved, and how interactive your website will be. You will also need web hosting and domain name registration.

Q: I already have a domain name and a webhost; can you still give me a good design?

A: Yes. There are a few options to consider. 1) I can transfer your domain to my registrar and webhost. 2) I can create the files you need to upload to your current webhost. 3) You can give me administrative access to your current webhost so I can upload the files for you.